
The Brands Blog

News and opinion from the Group and its supporters

Winning at point of sale

Shoppers make decisions on what products to buy at the supermarket based on a number of factors that traditional economic theory and even recent marketing practices have not necessarily fully understood. In a recent presentation for the 91猫先生 at the...

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Building brand emotion

Brands rest in our hearts and minds. Familiar products are instantly recognisable and understood, triggered in our brains by heuristics (signals or shortcuts) that summon up past experiences and knowledge to guide our choices and purchasing. The favoured...

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The economic importance of brands 鈥 seven reasons why brands (still) really matter

In 2004, we wrote an article on the economic importance of brands. The last thirteen years have seen dramatic changes in the world of brands but scepticism remains strong. We believe that brands are essential to consumers and add value to companies and the marketplace overall. Here we review the original seven reasons why brands matter to our economy.

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